Cheese Garlic Bread Recipe

Cheese Garlic Bread Recipe

25 min
2-3 People
75 mins



Let me share with you a delightful journey into the realm of homemade cheese garlic bread, where creativity knows no bounds and innovation reigns supreme. It all started on a lazy afternoon when I found myself craving a snack that would tantalize my taste buds and ignite my culinary imagination. Little did I know that a simple craving would lead me down the path of cheese, garlic, and pure culinary bliss.


As I embarked on my cheese garlic bread experiment, I couldn't help but marvel at the endless possibilities that lay before me. With a dash of innovation and a sprinkle of determination, I transformed humble ingredients into a mouthwatering masterpiece that would rival any gourmet creation. And thus, my love affair with cheese garlic bread was born, a love that continues to grow with each crispy, cheesy bite.




Cheese Garlic Bread Recipe




For Making Bread:

  • 100 ml Boiled Water
  • 1 tsp Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Yeast
  • 1 1/2 cups All-purpose Flour (Maida)
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Garlic Flakes
  • 1 tsp Oregano
  • 100 ml Milk
  • 15 gms Butter


For Garlic Butter:

  • 20 – 25 gms Butter
  • 3 – 4 tsp Olive Oil
  • 1/4 cup chopped Garlic
  • 1 tsp Mixed Herbs
  • Basil Leaves





For Making Bread:

  1. In a mixing bowl, combine boiled water, sugar, and yeast. Allow the mixture to sit for 10 minutes to activate the yeast.
  2. Add maida, salt, garlic flakes, oregano, and knead a smooth and soft dough using milk and water. Ensure to add equal amounts of water and milk while kneading.
  3. Transfer the dough to a clean platform or chopping board. Add butter and continue kneading until the dough becomes super soft.
  4. Cover the dough with a moist cloth and let it rest for 1 hour.
  5. After 1 hour, knead the dough slightly to remove air bubbles and let it rest again for 1 hour in the baking tray.
  6. Grease the baking tray with oil, place the dough in it, and cover it with a moist cloth. Let it rest for another 1 hour.
  7. Preheat the cooker for 15 minutes. Place the tray in the cooker without the whistle and gasket. Bake the bread for 16 to 18 minutes.
  8. Remove the tray from the cooker and let it cool.


For Making Garlic Butter:

  1. Heat a pan and add butter, olive oil, chopped garlic, mixed herbs, and basil leaves. Cook for a couple of minutes.


For Assembling:

  1. Cut the bread diagonally without cutting all the way through.
  2. Fill the cracks with garlic butter and stuff in cheese.
  3. Place the bread back in the tray and cook in the cooker for 5 to 7 minutes without the whistle and gasket.
  4. Once done, open the cooker lid, remove the tray, and serve the cheesy pull-apart garlic bread.

Enjoy your delicious cheese garlic bread with the perfect blend of flavors and textures!




About the Recipe:


Cheese garlic bread is a beloved classic that combines the irresistible flavors of garlic, butter, and cheese on a crisp, toasted bread base. Originating as a simple accompaniment to pasta dishes, it has evolved into a standalone snack or appetizer enjoyed by people of all ages around the world. Whether served as an indulgent treat or a comforting side dish, cheese garlic bread never fails to delight with its rich, savory goodness.



Cooking Tips:


  • Quality Ingredients: Use fresh garlic, high-quality butter, and your favorite variety of cheese for the best flavor and texture.
  • Even Distribution: Make sure to spread the garlic butter mixture evenly over the bread slices to ensure every bite is packed with flavor.
  • Customization: Feel free to experiment with different cheeses, herbs, and spices to personalize your cheese garlic bread according to your taste preferences.



Pairing Guide:


Pair your cheese garlic bread with a variety of dishes or enjoy it on its own as a satisfying snack. Here are some delicious pairing suggestions to enhance your cheese garlic bread experience:

  • Soup: Serve cheese garlic bread alongside a hot bowl of tomato soup for a comforting and satisfying meal.
  • Pasta: Pair cheese garlic bread with your favorite pasta dish for a complete Italian-inspired feast.
  • Salad: Enjoy cheese garlic bread as a flavorful accompaniment to a crisp, refreshing salad for a light and satisfying meal.
  • Wine: Pair cheese garlic bread with a glass of your favorite wine, such as Chardonnay or Pinot Noir, for a sophisticated and indulgent treat.




Frequently Asked Questions about Cheese Garlic Bread:


  1. How do I make cheese garlic bread without an oven?

    • You can make cheese garlic bread on a stovetop by using a skillet or griddle to toast the bread slices with the garlic butter and cheese until golden brown and crispy.
  2. Can I use pre-grated cheese for cheese garlic bread?

    • While pre-grated cheese is convenient, freshly grated cheese will melt more evenly and result in a better texture for your cheese garlic bread.
  3. Can I freeze cheese garlic bread?

    • Yes, you can freeze cheese garlic bread after baking. Allow it to cool completely, then wrap it tightly in aluminum foil or plastic wrap and store it in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 2-3 months. To reheat, simply thaw and bake in the oven until heated through.
  4. What type of bread is best for cheese garlic bread?

    • A hearty, crusty bread such as French bread or Italian ciabatta works best for cheese garlic bread, as it holds up well to the garlic butter and cheese topping.
  5. How can I make vegan cheese garlic bread?

    • Use vegan butter and dairy-free cheese alternatives to make a delicious vegan version of cheese garlic bread that's suitable for plant-based diets.
  6. What herbs can I add to cheese garlic bread for extra flavor?

    • Fresh or dried herbs such as parsley, oregano, basil, or thyme can be added to the garlic butter mixture for additional flavor and aroma.
  7. Can I make cheese garlic bread ahead of time?

    • Yes, you can prepare cheese garlic bread in advance by assembling the garlic butter and cheese topping on the bread slices and refrigerating them until ready to bake. Bake as directed just before serving for best results.
  8. How do I prevent cheese garlic bread from becoming soggy?

    • To prevent cheese garlic bread from becoming soggy, make sure to toast the bread slices until crisp before adding the garlic butter and cheese topping. Additionally, serve the bread immediately after baking for optimal texture.
  9. Is cheese garlic bread suitable for serving at parties or gatherings?

    • Yes, cheese garlic bread is an excellent choice for serving at parties or gatherings as a crowd-pleasing appetizer or snack that's easy to prepare and can be customized to suit various tastes.
  10. Can I add other toppings to cheese garlic bread?

    • Yes, feel free to experiment with additional toppings such as cooked bacon, sliced jalapenos, diced tomatoes, or caramelized onions to customize your cheese garlic bread according to your preferences.