Bread Paneer Pakora Recipe

Bread Paneer Pakora Recipe

15 min
2-3 People
15 min



Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! Let me take you on a delightful journey through the aromatic alleys of my cherished recipe for Bread Paneer Pakora. Imagine crispy, golden-brown bread slices enveloping a luscious filling of creamy paneer, seasoned to perfection with a medley of spices. Each bite is a symphony of textures and flavors, evoking memories of lazy college days and impromptu picnics with friends.


As I reminisce about the first time I encountered this culinary gem, I'm transported back to my college days, where the anticipation of visiting the canteen for these delectable delights was enough to make my mouth water. The joy of sinking my teeth into a warm, crispy pakora, coupled with the camaraderie of friends, made those moments truly special.


Now, let's dive into the heart of this recipe, where every ingredient tells a story and every bite is a celebration of flavors!




About the Recipe:


Bread Paneer Pakora is a beloved Indian snack that combines the goodness of bread, flavorful spices, and creamy paneer. Originating from the vibrant streets of North India, this dish has found its way into homes and hearts across the country.


To prepare this tantalizing treat, bread slices are generously stuffed with a mixture of mashed paneer, seasoned with a blend of aromatic spices like cumin, coriander, and chili powder. The stuffed bread slices are then dipped in a besan (gram flour) batter, infused with spices and herbs, before being deep-fried to crispy perfection.


The result is a crispy exterior giving way to a creamy, flavorful filling that delights the senses with every bite. Served hot with tangy chutney or spicy sauce, bread Paneer Pakora is the ultimate comfort food, perfect for any occasion.



Cooking Tips:


  1. Ensure the paneer filling is well-seasoned with spices to enhance its flavor.
  2. Use day-old bread for better absorption of the besan batter.
  3. Adjust the thickness of the besan batter by adding water gradually until it reaches a smooth, pouring consistency.
  4. Fry the pakoras in medium-hot oil to achieve a crispy texture without burning them.
  5. Drain excess oil by placing the fried pakoras on paper towels before serving.



Pairing Guide:


Bread Paneer Pakora pairs wonderfully with a hot cup of masala chai or a refreshing mint chutney. For a complete meal, serve it alongside some tangy tamarind chutney and crunchy salad greens. This versatile snack also complements a variety of beverages, from chilled lemonade to spiced buttermilk.




Frequently Asked Questions:


  1. Q: Can I use any type of bread for making Bread Paneer Pakora? A: Yes, you can use any variety of bread such as white, whole wheat, or multigrain for this recipe.

  2. Q: How do I prevent the pakoras from becoming soggy? A: Make sure the oil is hot enough before frying the pakoras, and avoid overcrowding the frying pan to ensure crispiness.

  3. Q: Can I make Bread Paneer Pakora ahead of time and reheat it? A: While it's best enjoyed fresh, you can reheat the pakoras in an oven or air fryer for a few minutes until crispy.

  4. Q: Is there a healthier alternative to deep-frying the pakoras? A: You can try shallow frying the pakoras in a non-stick pan with minimal oil for a healthier option.

  5. Q: Can I freeze the prepared pakoras for later use? A: Yes, you can freeze the uncooked pakoras and fry them directly from frozen when needed.

  6. Q: What variations can I try with the filling? A: You can experiment with different fillings such as mashed potatoes, vegetables, or even cheese for a twist on the traditional recipe.

  7. Q: How long does it take to prepare Bread Paneer Pakora? A: The preparation time is approximately 20-25 minutes, excluding the time for frying.

  8. Q: Can I make a gluten-free version of this recipe? A: Yes, you can use chickpea flour (besan) instead of wheat flour for a gluten-free batter.

  9. Q: What's the best way to serve Bread Paneer Pakora? A: Serve hot with your favorite chutney or sauce for dipping.

  10. Q: Are there any regional variations of this recipe? A: Yes, different regions in India may have their own variations of Bread Paneer Pakora, incorporating local spices and ingredients.